319 Solid Carbide 5 Flute Variable Helix


High performance, 5 flute solid carbide cutter, offering exceptional finishes while tackling heavy milling applications. Uniquely designed geometries give higher performance, heavier chip loads and increased chatter suppression through the variable helix and index geometry. The Penta Mill can run at higher feed rates and with the latest ALCrN Ceramic Tool Coating will have increased tool life. The Penta Mill is specifically designed for Steels, Stainless Steels, Super Alloys and Titanium.

Pocket Milling
Profile Milling
Side Finishing

Variable Flute/Index, ALCrN Coating, Long Reach, Centre Cutting, Chatter Suppression, Trochoidal Milling. Product Group FE

Item #D1 ØD2 (h6) Shank ØD3 Relief ØL1 OALL2 FluteL3 ReachR RadiusZ Teeth45PriceStockQuantity

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