330 Solid Carbide 7 Flute Variable Helix End Mill


High performance, 7 flute solid carbide end mill, which offers exceptional finishes when tackling heavy milling operations up to 5 x D. This unique geometry is designed to offer peak performance and can take higher than normal chip loads due to its variable helix and index. The latest tool coating also offers extended tool life and the chip splitters also limit issues with swarf build up.

Pocket Milling
Side Finishing
Side Roughing

Solid Carbide 7 Flute Variable Helix End Mill. Variable Flute/Index, HPH Coating, Chip Splitters, 5 x D length. Product Group FC

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Item #D1 ØD2 (h6) Shank ØD3 Relief ØL1 OALL2 FluteL3 ReachR RadiusSizeZ TeethPriceStockQuantity
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