115 Solid Carbide 3 Flute End Mill


Universal, 3 flute solid carbide end mill manufactured to high standards and tolerances. Suitable for cutting a wide range of materials from Steels to Titanium alloys. Designed with specially enhanced geometry to give better surface finish and longer tool life. Available uncoated or with AITiN coating for increased cutter performance.

Helical Milling
Pocket Milling
Side Finishing
Side Roughing

30 ̊ Helix, 3 Flute, Centre Cutting, AlTin Coated, Product group FC

For technical drawing downloads click on the Item # link

Item #D1 ØD2 (h6) Shank ØD3 Relief ØL1 OALL2 FluteL3 ReachR RadiusSizeZ TeethPriceStockQuantity
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